Ballistic’s Report for Week Ending June 25
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Ballistic’s Report for Week Ending June 25

Ballistic’s Report for Week Ending June 25 More and more Delvers to Grow and Crypt of Krysuvik production as Backerkit gets filled out and the end is in sight for PDF distribution. Character Collections international orders . . . still haven’t yet heard about movement. They paused at customs Delvers to Grow’s core book is…

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Dungeon Fantasy RPG Self-Control Rolls

The Dungeon Fantasy RPG lets you modify certain disadvantages to have modifiers to their point values to account for greater and lesser susceptibility to giving into your urges. For reasons likely related to the Delvers to Grow work, I was looking at self-control roll numbers, and it turns out the cost multiplier and self-control roll…

Delvers to Grow: Three Covers Done; Schedule and Progress
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Delvers to Grow: Three Covers Done; Schedule and Progress

Covers Coming In Of the covers, I have three in hand, in a basically-final state. Ksenia is working on Fast Delvers and Smart Delvers as we speak. Development Progress Update There’s been a lot going on under the waterline here. So let me explain. No, that would take too long. Let me sum up. Delvers…