Dark Lord’s Doom: Errata and Resolution
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Dark Lord’s Doom: Errata and Resolution

Now that Dark Lord’s Doom, the latest programmed/solo adventure by David Pulver, is in backers’ hands in PDF form, errata are starting to come in. Not a ton so far (yay!) but there are some. I’m going to list them here as a record of reports and changes, as well as adding some clarity to broad-brush concepts…

Dark Lord’s Doom Distribution and overall update
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Dark Lord’s Doom Distribution and overall update

Dark Lord’s Doom: Distributed! I got word from SJGames this morning that, barring one small tweak, the file was good to go. I did a final check of the file, tweaked the curves on a few images to prevent them from being too dark, and spooled out the file. And then I hit go…so you…

Fiore’s Techniques: Modified Sweep technique
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Fiore’s Techniques: Modified Sweep technique

Over on the SJGames Forums, Gigerman posted a link to this video:   And wondered what the first two strikes and responses would be represented in GURPS. Kromm suggested that it was likely a Riposte or Counterattack… and those are good choices. However, if it’s Fiore, it’s grappling. So naturally we want to know how…