Watch the Magic: Ksenia Kozhevnikova does art on twitch tonight!
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Watch the Magic: Ksenia Kozhevnikova does art on twitch tonight!

Ksenia Kozhevnikova is one of the awesome folks on my go-to art team. She did the covers on all five of the More Perilous Journeys books. She’ll be hosting a twitch stream showcasing a new project we’re working on together. My first gig as “Art Director” and her . . . well, she’s way more…


Product Bundles: “We couldn’t find the issue…” but Update fixed it. Hmmm.

Well, despite all the king’s horses and all the king’s support personnel not being able to duplicate the issue that prevented my bundles from working…somehow a patch/update appeared and fixed the non-problem. Coincidence? Perhaps. But perhaps not. In any case, back to working in time for FnordCon2.3…so yay.

Issues with product bundles: workin’ on it

If you have tried to purchase (definitely) the Dungeon Grappling (Print+PDF) bundle, or (possibly) any other bundle, it likely isn’t working. One of my customers kindly reported an issue where the bundle reported out of stock. He was super helpful, and we found that you COULD buy both, independently. I usually give 50% off the…