Apropos of Nothing: . . . and Gomorrah?
Over at a post about bows and arrows, here, I used a phrase:
It occurred to me that the acronym for that is SoDoM.
So when your SoDoM trips in play, you turn into a pillar of salt. Like a proper redshirt should.
I must work the SoDoM into future posts.
You sure you didn't do a backronym? because it's awfully convenient 😉
I swear. I typed in ". . . this doesn't break my Sense-of-Disbelief-o-Meter" and thought, 'hey, that's a useful concept.' Then I looked at the letters and said: "Oh,that's too good not to use."
As a GM, I do my best to avoid SoDoMizing my players.
See? It just writes itself.