GURPS-Day postponed to tomorrow
It’s late, and I JUST got off work. So GURPS-day is postponed to Friday. Alas.
A while back, I asked for help on choosing arcane traditions for the Wizard for the Dragon Heresy RPG. I created four schools of magic – doors, essences, might, and mischief, which are themselves combinations of two of the spell types from SRD5.1. Since the game’s launching zone is Norse-flavored, the schools are flavored by…
If Blogger stats are to be believed, the month of October will have me just shy of 25,000 pageviews for the month. About 10% of that are views of one or both of the interviews I did with SJG staff and authors, so thanks to them, and to those who have been reading/viewing these interviews….
One thing that appeared in GURPS Martial Arts (by +Peter V. Dell’Orto and +Sean Punch ) is the concept of the tactics-based ‘reroll.’ Martial Arts, the Basic Set, Monster Hunters, Impulse Buys Found on p. 60, under the skill description for Tactics, it presents a few different ways Tactics can help you. There’s an abstract option where the leaders…
I’m taking the really useful and fun stuff being written for Melee Academy, as well as other good posts that come my way, and collecting them under a separate page: Melee Academy. Watch this page for new stuff that helps get people’s arms wrapped around fightin’ in GURPS, and if you see something on another…
+Jeffro Johnson put together his list of best blogs of 2014, and much to my surprise (especially since I had no idea this was being considered) Gaming Ballistic was his top choice. He was quite clear on his reasons, though: #1 on the list was my interview with +Steve Jackson, and the rest of the Firing Squad…