GURPS-Day postponed to tomorrow
It’s late, and I JUST got off work. So GURPS-day is postponed to Friday. Alas.
After the discussion on how to kill someone dead in GURPS with firearms (which really does devolve to shoot ’em a lot in places that matter, more or less like real life), a few commenters noted that “dead in one turn” isn’t really where it’s at. +Peter V. Dell’Orto has noted before that dying, in GURPS, is…
The Reloading Press is an at-least-weekly feature here on Gaming Ballistic for 2016. Each week it looks at some interesting real-world cartridges and presents them with hopefully-useful information in GURPS Format. .44 Magnum/10.9x33mmR The .44 Magnum is one of the iconic “this is serious business” cartridges both in film and in reality. When you’re packing…
While getting up close and personal in combat is a staple of the genre, so too is rendering your foe ineffective from a distance. Archers and catapults were part of the wargaming scene from which RPGs emerged from the beginning, and this trend only increased as the games turned their focus to conflicts based on…
The game was slow today to get responses, and it wound up being just two players. That wasn’t enough, so we decided to call it. But not before Rob told me that Leshar and probably our halfling, or maybe Keyar, had snuck into the ruins of Caer Tain and looted a suit of +2 Plate Armor…
Dramatis Personae The Commander (Doug) – telekinetic super-soldier with a really angry dog (Yukio). The dog is a powerful ally (250-300 points) and very intelligent and very, very aggressive. Arc Light (Christian) – battlsuited gadgeteer with electrical powers The Rat Queen (Emily) – brick with super-perception; made of actual rats Zephyr (Merlin) – Real name…
A discussion on the price of Talents and Wildcards led me to think about alternate pricing schemes for things. Without getting into too much detail, ability scores are a pretty good deal in GURPS. ST is probably priced pretty well as-is. DX and IQ are arguably undercosted for what you get. How many skills are…