GURPS-Day postponed to tomorrow
It’s late, and I JUST got off work. So GURPS-day is postponed to Friday. Alas.
One last post, this one courtesy of a request by Emily Smirle over on the SJG Forums, where a fairly civil discussion of the new edition is taking place. States of Relative Advantage Something that’s very clear in the rules, is that if you find yourself in a situation with both advantage and disadvantage, they…
I heard back from my fulfillment partner and printer. So, here’s the final word on printing and shipping. Printing Printing is going to take longer than POD usually takes: 4 weeks from me placing the order to books being ready to ship. I intend to place the order on August 1, right after I send…
In the spirit of my open invitation to contribute to Melee Academy and GURPS 101 posts: The topic for Melee Academy for Feb 6, 2014 will be Fighting People Better Than You This started life as a not-quite joke between me and +Peter V. Dell’Orto, where we were going to talk about how to use fodder-level…
Dramatis Personae The Commander (Doug) – telekinetic super-soldier with a really angry dog (Yukio). The dog is a powerful ally (250-300 points) and very intelligent and very, very aggressive. Arc Light (Christian) – battlsuited gadgeteer with electrical powers The Rat Queen (Emily) – brick with super-perception; made of actual rats Eamon Finnegan (Kyle) – smooth…
In a comment on a previous post, +Jeromy French brought up the oft-cited statistic that if a knife-wielding assailant is within 21 feet of a person with a holstered pistol, by the time you could draw your gun and ready it, you’re likely to have been stabbed. Possibly a lot. OK, forget reality for a moment. Is…
Thursday is GURPSDay, and below you can find the blog activity from the last seven days. Over the last week, as of 10am CST, there have been 85 GURPS-Related posts from our list of 54 blogs that have popped up on the radar screen. This week we picked up both Jason “PK” Levine and Sean “Dr…