Technical Grappling, now with ART!
According to +Sean Punch, Nikki Vrtis has received the art for my manuscript!
This may wind up being my shortest blog entry ever, but: SQUEEEEEE!!!
Very excited to have the book take that next step.
According to +Sean Punch, Nikki Vrtis has received the art for my manuscript!
This may wind up being my shortest blog entry ever, but: SQUEEEEEE!!!
Very excited to have the book take that next step.
The Norse-inspired Norðlond setting for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG keeps growing. Here’s what’s going on, and what’s coming, for Gaming Ballistic in this series of third-party products for SJG’s Powered-by-GURPS boxed set. Nordlond Sagas: Now on Kickstarter On Sept 10, Gaming Ballistic launched its 8th Kickstarter campaign, and much like the quite-successful “Four Perilous Journeys”…
So: GURPSDay! This week overlaps big news in GURPSdom, which is that SJG has decided to release GURPS PDFs by DriveThruRPG, which includes a ton of associated digital publishers. I’ve had customer numbers for my own Dungeon Grappling which indicate that there are over 1.4 million folks who have come through those doors; Robert Conley…
Gaming Ballistic’s welcomed ConTessa founder +Stacy Dellorfano to the Firing Squad, and we chatted for well over an hour. As mentioned previously, my lack of headset caused issues with Stacy’s audio feed, which was recorded to the Hangout On Air. Nonetheless, we managed to get a good transcript from the interview, which is below. I’ve still gone…
Brandon Blackmoor (and if that’s his real name, he needs to be an action hero; if it’s not, good choice anyway) threw down this request yesterday: I am contemplating a fantasy campaign where the PCs are people from our world (any time period) who are summoned (like demons) to a fantasy world. For reasons of…
+Christian Blouin made an interesting comment on Google+ in response to my Shoot/No-Shoot post. He said: I was toying with the idea of asking players what would be their next action before resolving the current one. Cancelling their decision on the following turn would impose a “Do Nothing”. Maybe a tactics check could allow to avoid…
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In an effort to get this book to come out quicker, I'm going to do my part to sit back and throw money at the screen until magic happens.
My first thought was "Active Release Therapy?" and then I though, oh no, wait . . .