Dungeon Grappling Kickstarter: One week to go!
Last Week of the Campaign
Dungeon Grappling is entering its final week of the crowdfunding campaign.
It’s been a great ride so far, and we’ve solidly funded and passed the first stretch goal. I’ve also (in a prior update) noted that I’ve placed all of the art orders in color already, so even though we’re not at the stretch goal for it yet, we’re tracking there, and I’d rather get you a great book early than any other option.
Welcome to the party, pal
How can you help me hit those last goals? Bring friends.
This is the time to share that you’ve backed the project with others, including perhaps the proprietor of your FLGS. The KS price is likely going to wind up being roughly half what the retail price will be, as it turns out. So you’re getting in at the right time.
The Art Cometh
As I showed on the prior update, I have started to get final art images. I suspect they’ll continue to come in through the end of December.
What might that look like? In low resolution, something like this

Is that final? No. Nathan may come up with something brilliant (the above is me and a really low-quality image editor), and that’s what layout pros are for – to take raw material and make it brilliant.
Speaking of Layout
I got some good feedback on the book from a reviewer. He was completely fired up about grappling, especially when he realized how many monsters really should be grappling as a primary attack mode.
There were some things that he recommended in layout and structure that would make it easier to use in play, and streamline knowledge uptake. Nathan and I are working through these bits.
Some are easy, such as reorganizing the Quick Reference section by game instead of by topic. So if you’re playing the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, there’s a Pathfinder section for you. Same with Basic/S&W, and Fifth Edition. The grappling techniques reference also got some shorthand to define the mechanics to be used (Attack Roll vs. Grapple DC; if successful, stunned for 1d4 turns). A few things were deleted, and some things were substituted or added that really should have been there the whole time.
There was also a monster tweak (Constrictor Snakes are now PFRPG instead of 5e) so that there are four example monsters for 5e and PFRPG, and three for S&W.
I’m also going to add a combat example for each rules system.
Good feedback, then, and actionable, so action was taken.
What’s in a Fechtbuch?
So, if you’re in at the Fechtbuch level ($18+$5 shipping to almost everywhere), what do you get?
- A full-color, layered, hyperlinked PDF that will likely be 48 or 52 pages long.
- A text-only eBook in black and white, with just content and charts, for easy loading and easy reading on small screens and tablets.
- A full-color, premium quality softcover book printed and shipped through DriveThruRPG.
- Your name in the book on a thank-you page.
Probably $35-37 plus shipping if purchased piecemeal after the Kickstarter campaign ends.
Finish Strong
Once again to all my backers – thank you for your trust. I’m definitely on schedule to deliver on time, and (knock on wood) at the moment “on time” looks like a worst case situation.
Nope, nope. Shouldna said that. -R. Hagrid