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Lost Hall of Tyr: Physical Rewards Ordered

Having received both proof copies of Lost Hall – one from PubGraphics and one from DriveThruRPG – and found them both worthy, I went ahead and placed the orders.

The International Orders were fulfilled through DriveThruRPG, and will likely arrive in two weeks (if you’re in the UK) to somewhere between then and about nine or ten weeks (if you’re lucky enough to live in New Zealand). Let me know.

Note that I have no way to sign these – they don’t come to me – so if you asked for a signed copy but don’t live in the USA, I have to apologize. That would have cost us both over $30 extra, and no softcover 62-page book is worth that.

I expect to receive a box of 125 copies of Lost Hall from PubGraphics in maybe two or three weeks. I will immediately get those packed up (with copies of Dungeon Grappling if you ordered them), toss in some promo material, and get those into the USPS via media mail. From there, it’ll be 2 to 9 days, usually about a week. That means you should be getting your physical rewards between the first and third week of January.

We’re really in the home stretch now! If we get into late January and you’ve not heard from me or received your package, email me at gamingballisticllc@gmail.com and I’ll get busy looking for where it went.

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