GURPS Panel Discussion at FnordCon2.3 is 2:30 Central Time
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GURPS Panel Discussion at FnordCon2.3 is 2:30 Central Time

Join Sean Punch, Steven Marsh, and yours truly for a panel discussion about GURPS and Powered by GURPS. It’s being held in the panel-1 channel over at FnordCon2.3 on Discord.

InDesign for Noobs: Drop Caps Trick Redux
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InDesign for Noobs: Drop Caps Trick Redux

A while back I was grousing about using Drop Caps. I “solved” the problems I was having by using a GREP search to insert and then adjust the kerning of the spaces after my room numbers. After a quick chat with Nikki Vrtis, layout artist for Steve Jackson Games, she took me the last, final…