Gaming Ballistic on Geek Gab: Adventure Design and Lost Hall of Tyr
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Gaming Ballistic on Geek Gab: Adventure Design and Lost Hall of Tyr

I was on the Geek Gab Game Night podcast just a few moments ago. Nearly two hours on adventure design and other topics – we didn’t hold ourselves tightly to a particular theme. As always, it was a hoot interacting with my gracious hosts, and it definitely plays out as a conversation rather than a…

Review – Lost Hall of Tyr (Kickstarter Edition)
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Review – Lost Hall of Tyr (Kickstarter Edition)

Josh Beckelhimer is an early backer of the project. He requested and received an early preview copy of the adventure, and reviewed it in detail at his website Fantastical Beckelhimer. I have reproduced the entire review below, but have also made some comments where appropriate to address some of his open questions. Thanks to Josh for…

GURPSDay Summary Sep 29 – Oct 5, 2017
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GURPSDay Summary Sep 29 – Oct 5, 2017

Thursday is GURPSDay and September has come and gone. Hey, I even turned 46 this past Monday! (If you want to get me a present, throw a few bucks at my Kickstarter. If enough GURPS folks throw in, maybe some nice things can happen). Also: Pretty sure exactly two years ago today I blew myself up,…