Conditional Injury Actual Play (Pyramid #3/120)
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Conditional Injury Actual Play (Pyramid #3/120)

I got a quick bit of feedback on using Conditional Injury in actual play. Recall this article was not playtested, and mostly theoretical. Granted I was musing on it for years, but it never really got a good stress test. So someone wrote me with one: Dingo (Discord Forums) wrote: A lot shorter than planned…

The Mixed GM Reviews Dragon Heresy (and Commentary)
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The Mixed GM Reviews Dragon Heresy (and Commentary)

Dragon Heresy is in the hands of backers at last, having shipped out all copies to those who backed the Dragon Heresy Kickstarter, and by this time tomorrow, I’ll have gotten all of the DH copies out to those that added it to Hall of Judgment as well. As folks have received it, it is…

Review: Hall of Judgment by The Blind Mapmaker
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Review: Hall of Judgment by The Blind Mapmaker

The Blind Mapmaker takes time to review Hall of Judgment. As he notes, he backed at the Thegn of your Own level and contributed a character to the samples. Nonetheless, he calls out what he likes, and is firm about what he doesn’t. The Blind Mapmaker’s reviews are quite thorough, divided into Meat, Cheese, Sauce, and General Nutritional…