Gaming Ballistic: Project Reflections post GenCon
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Gaming Ballistic: Project Reflections post GenCon

So, GenCon has come and gone, and I got a lot of business done while I was there. Some of this will be reflected in what projects GB is working on. The Tower of Justice – Adventure Scenario The brief scenario that I over-prepared for (two hour session, but I wanted to ensure we didn’t…

GenCon: The Big, The Free, and The Teardown
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GenCon: The Big, The Free, and The Teardown

Saturday was packed for me. I was busy from 9am until 10:30pm with good important stuff. Sunday, the last day of the con, was basically open for me – a free day – until the show closed, at which point I was to help tear down the booth. The Big Day Well, I awoke realizing…

Freakin’ Out about GenCon
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Freakin’ Out about GenCon

I think my first and only trip to GenCon was in 1994 or something. It was still in Milwaukee. West End Games was there, and I got to see Timothy Zahn and the WEG designers talk about Star Wars. Was cool. Now, many (too many) years later, I’m GenCon bound again. I am kinda losin’…