Lost Hall of Tyr: Physical Rewards Ordered
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Lost Hall of Tyr: Physical Rewards Ordered

Having received both proof copies of Lost Hall – one from PubGraphics and one from DriveThruRPG – and found them both worthy, I went ahead and placed the orders. The International Orders were fulfilled through DriveThruRPG, and will likely arrive in two weeks (if you’re in the UK) to somewhere between then and about nine…

OSR 12 Days of Christmas – Day 1
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OSR 12 Days of Christmas – Day 1

This year, my Dungeon Grappling and Lost Hall of Tyr products are participating in Erik Tenkar’s 12 Days of OSR Christmas. And today’s day 1. Each day I’ll be giving away a PDF of one of these products, and every third day (16th, 19th, 22nd, 25th) I’ll give away a physical copy of one of…

Lost Hall of Tyr: PubGraphics Proofs Look Great!
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Lost Hall of Tyr: PubGraphics Proofs Look Great!

I am not surprised by this, but the PubGraphics proof arrived today (a day before the DriveThru one) and they look great. I have to ask them if there’s any way I could order 125 of these things and get them by Dec 19, though – otherwise they’ll likely arrive after I’m away for a…