Gaming Ballistic Update and GenCon Grappling Smackdown
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Gaming Ballistic Update and GenCon Grappling Smackdown

About a week until GenCon, so what’s kickin’ in the hopper at Gaming Ballistic, LLC? Dungeon Grappling and the Grappling Smackdown To date, other than the 300 or so Kickstarter copies of Dungeon Grappling, I’ve moved 87 more via DriveThruRPG, of which nine were physical product. I’ve also sold 20 through my website, with a…

Monster Monday: Invisible Stalker
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Monster Monday: Invisible Stalker

Monster Monday again. This time with a repurposed Invisible Stalker, an elemental of vengeance. While some elementals are brought for benign reasons to the Realms of the Field, the Invisible Stalker is always brought for one purpose: to hunt and kill some quarry. The invisible stalker is a limited form of air elemental, but has…

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Ballistic’s Report: How to Write Adventure Modules that Don’t Suck

I backed the Kickstarter by Goodman Games promising a collection of essays entitled “How to Write Adventure Modules that Don’t Suck” out of genuine interest and curiosity in the subject matter.  In the first place, advice and considered thought on how to write adventure modules (which I’ll refer to as adventures or scenarios interchangeably in this review)…