Gaming Ballistic Update – August
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Gaming Ballistic Update – August

Wow. Big month. Went to GenCon. Can find blog posts on that kickin’ around. I learned a lot, gamed a lot, and networked a lot. I still have to catalog the mighty stack of artists’ business cards I got. I sold about 10 copies of Dungeon Grappling. That was good; more would be better. To…

Editing Trick? Maybe, maybe . . .

Editing Trick? Maybe, maybe . . .

I found an interesting feature in MS Word that might change how I edit documents in the future. It’s the “Compare Documents” feature. Take two files, say, Original and Edited Copy. Then insert them into the grinder, and out pops a marked-up document just as if you did the “one line at a time” thing…

Gaming Ballistic was on Geek Gab’s Game Night!
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Gaming Ballistic was on Geek Gab’s Game Night!

  I was invited by Jasyn Jones and John McGlynn to join them on their Geek Gab podcast to talk about Dungeon Grappling, after I posted my GenCon reports about the playtest. Well, yeah, we covered grappling. But we also covered GURPS, the DFRPG, game design principles, and many other things, including HEMA and how…