Gaming Ballistic Update – Apr 22 2017
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Gaming Ballistic Update – Apr 22 2017

It’s time for an update on Gaming Ballistic! Dungeon Grappling Great sales in March, thanks to the GM’s Day sale on DTRPG have been followed by lackluster sales in April, with four copies sold (though two print copies, which I love seeing – not because of all the extra money, an extra few dollars per…

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Gaming Ballistic Update: April 8

Reasonable behind the scenes work going on. Game Development Venture Beyond is heading towards a complete manuscript, with some darn nifty concepts threaded through. Took note of recent threads about how old games could fairly easily port in a reader’s favorite authors’ works, and how too-detailed settings and starmaps can eat the wonder from a setting because…

Monster Monday: Marilith Demon
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Monster Monday: Marilith Demon

It’s Monster Monday, where I highlight a creature from the upcoming Dragon Heresy RPG. Today we have a devilishly good time, and I’ll throw down a monster you’ve seen before – on the cover fo Dungeon Grappling! The Marilith demon. Demons are of the “burn it all down” school of evil, and while some of…