Dungeon Grappling | Fifth Edition | Gaming Ballistic LLC | Kickstarter | OSR | PFRPG | RPG Systems | Uncategorized
Merry Christmas to me. DG Cover
Really couldn’t be happier with this.
Posts about the fifth edition of the original fantasy RPG
Today is thanksgiving in the USA, so naturally someone asked about a Dire Turkey. Peter Dell’Orto and I had ridiculous fun writing “Dire and Terrible Creatures” for GURPS, and it occurred to me that I could apply the same kind of thing to SRD5.1 pretty easily. So here’s a “switch” to apply to any kind…
I know my blog has been filled with Kickstarter reports these days. It is, of course, rather important to me to make the best book I can, and in order to do that, I would need to bring in about $4,800, which means I’m roughly halfway there (though the project has funded and will be made regardless…