Feat Design and Dragon Heresy
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Feat Design and Dragon Heresy

Over on his blog, Brandon Stoddard offers up an in-depth analysis, from his perspective, of a giant list of feats in the Fifth Edition rules. He might have thrown in some Unearthed Arcana in there too. You might read his analysis and conclude he’s totally off his rocker. You might agree with every point. Regardless,…

Gaming Ballistic Update – Apr 22 2017
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Gaming Ballistic Update – Apr 22 2017

It’s time for an update on Gaming Ballistic! Dungeon Grappling Great sales in March, thanks to the GM’s Day sale on DTRPG have been followed by lackluster sales in April, with four copies sold (though two print copies, which I love seeing – not because of all the extra money, an extra few dollars per…

Monster Monday: Troll
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Monster Monday: Troll

It’s Monster Monday again, and today I give you trolls. They’re a classic part of norse mythology and legend, and have been tweaked a bit to fit with the Dragon Heresy cosmology. Four sub-types are presented, based on both the SRD and my team’s reading of the legends themselves. There’s a troll here for every…