Coming Soon: More Perilous Journeys for The Fantasy Trip
This is just a preview of the project summary, but things are shaping up well. I hope to launch in just shy of two weeks, and the project should run through mid-June.
A hierarchy tag to help with sorting the games by rules system
Adventuring in Nordlond We had the inaugural session of Kyle’s campaign, which he’s calling the Nordlond Sagas. Not Kickstarter related entirely, but not unrelated either. All the PCs wound up taking a racial package out of Norðlondr Folk. So we have no pure humans. We have an Elfàrd Wizard (me), a Himneskur (god-blooded) knight-ish character built…
Some of you may notice your blogs stopped showing up in the GURPSDay Feed. I found the problem and fixed it – the stream was pulling from “oldest” and not “oldest in the last three weeks.” Regardless, I’ve asked it to grab posts from new to old again, which put my own feed back on…