More Perilous Journeys: $23,000 and 10 days to go; The Authors Speak
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More Perilous Journeys: $23,000 and 10 days to go; The Authors Speak

Status We’re headed into the home stretch now for More Perilous Journeys on Kickstarter, with the final sprint starting in about a week. The campaign has passed the 90% mark, and is less than $2,000 from funding. That’s fewer than 35 people at the average pledge rate . . . we can do it, and…

All Domestic Packages Shipped; Life Changes
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All Domestic Packages Shipped; Life Changes

The Big News: All Packages Shipped As of right now, every domestic and international shipment has been boxed up, a label printed, and all but the last batch are physically in the mail. ALL packages will be in the mail by about 1pm today, since I’m dropping by the post office on my way to…

More Perilous Journeys: 83% Funded with 15 Days to Go
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More Perilous Journeys: 83% Funded with 15 Days to Go

We are ten days in to the More Perilous Journeys crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. We’re over 350 backers, who have collectively pledged just under $21,000 of the $25,000 needed to fund. With 15 days left to go, the chances of us funding are strong. Even so . . . funding sooner is better than funding later,…