GURPSDay: Feb 22 to  Mar 1, 2019
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GURPSDay: Feb 22 to Mar 1, 2019

Thursday is again GURPSDay, though I’m posting on a Friday. How very LEGO Movie. An eventful week for GURPS. Don’t believe me? Fine! Check out the GURPS News, which is chock full of new info. Also SJG released Steampunk 3: Soldiers and Scientists yesterday. Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 was put on the “watch this space”…

Lost Hall of Tyr: Print copies enter final stage
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Lost Hall of Tyr: Print copies enter final stage

The print copies are on their way to me in the US, and will soon be on their way to my UK fulfillment house. That means print copies will arrive to all backers by the end of March for the Lost Hall of Tyr (2nd Edition) Kickstarter. Committed delivery date was before June. Am I…

Nordvorn Update: Funding, Writing, and International Shipping
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Nordvorn Update: Funding, Writing, and International Shipping

Status Update The first week of the campaign to fund The Citadel at Norðvorn is past, and we’re 60% of the way to the goal. Four weeks to go! Thus far, things are looking steady, and between the folks following the campaign and those pledged already, that would total about $12,600 . . . so the…