GURPSDay Summary Aug 31, 2018 – Sept 7, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Aug 31, 2018 – Sept 7, 2018

On a brief personal note, Hall of Judgment arrived in the USA, and is currently being distributed as quickly as I can get books (they didn’t arrive all at once) and put them in the post. It is, even with me being author and publisher, a very pretty book. You should get one if you…

A Pause to Breathe: OK, that’s done
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A Pause to Breathe: OK, that’s done

What Now? Breathing is good and important. It’s been a real sprint here at Gaming Ballistic since April 1. That day, SJG and Gaming Ballistic announced the conversion of Lost Hall of Tyr to the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, and the Dragon Heresy Introductory Set went live on Kickstarter. Dragon Heresy and Hall of Judgment A month later,…

Hall of Judgment: Arrivals and Departures
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Hall of Judgment: Arrivals and Departures

A quick one this Tuesday morning. I continue – via comments, Twitter, and other methods – to hear about HoJ successfully arriving in the UK, Finland, and even a copy to Australia over the last week. Excellent. Kixto got it done, which is all one can ask for. For the US backers – and the…