Dragon Heresy: Fold and Gather samples arrived. Wow.
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Dragon Heresy: Fold and Gather samples arrived. Wow.

Fold and Gather samples for Dragon Heresy are here! So, it’s one thing to look at individual pages. It’s one thing to look at a PDF on the screen. It’s quite another to get the entire book very nearly as it will appear in my hands. Without further blather on my part: pictures. OK: one bit of…

GURPSDay Summary July 20, 2018 – July 26, 2018

GURPSDay Summary July 20, 2018 – July 26, 2018

GURPSDay is currently pulling from 103 blogs on the roster. The Hall of Judgment Kickstarter ended on July 14th, having hit 525 backers and very nearly $16,000 in funds. This is fully 1/3 of the backers of the original DFRPG, which means by any metric the project was a financial success. I am moving steadily ahead…

Hall of Judgment: The Beginning of the End
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Hall of Judgment: The Beginning of the End

Pre-Final File! Today I finished what I like to call the “pre-final” PDF. What does that mean? It’s got a front and back cover My proofreaders and testers comments, as well as my own “print it out and go over it with pen in hardcopy” edits, are in It passes muster at 300dpi for printing…