Slog, slog, slog . . .
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Slog, slog, slog . . .

There are some parts of the production of a book that are just no fun at all. I’m in a few of those parts. Hall of Judgment Oh, sure . . . it’s getting done. Bit by bit. I should have another major revision to Hall of Judgment done either late tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully…

Hall of Judgment Cover Update!
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Hall of Judgment Cover Update!

Today I updated the cover for Hall of Judgment. It had to be resized for 8×10 format, I used a more readable font that echoes the choices inside the document for the title and author slug, and new no-background Dungeon Fantasy RPG logos. A bit of tweaking of the back-cover text as well. I also…

GURPSDay Summary July 13, 2018 – July 19, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary July 13, 2018 – July 19, 2018

GURPSDay is currently pulling from 103 blogs on the roster. The Hall of Judgment Kickstarter ended on July 14th, having hit 525 backers and very nearly $16,000 in funds. This is fully 1/3 of the backers of the original DFRPG, which means by any metric the project was a financial success. I am moving steadily ahead…