Monday Update: Hall of Judgment Week 1
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Monday Update: Hall of Judgment Week 1

As always, I try and post an update summarizing current progress on the Hall of Judgment Kickstarter and what’s to come each Monday. Campaign Progress I can’t put it any other way but to say that the Hall of Judgment campaign has exceeded my expectations and is rapidly closing in on my hopes as well….


Festival of the Week?

I am having *ridiculous* fun writing festivals for the Hall of Judgment setting and adventure. Why festivals? They’re a great way to introduce a party of adventurers to a new town and culture. There can be competitions, roleplaying, interesting customs, intrigue, rumors, and exposition. Why so many festivals? So you don’t have to force a…

Hall of Judgment Update 5: Write, Write, Baby
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Hall of Judgment Update 5: Write, Write, Baby

Well, as I’ve said before, and I’ll say again before the end: Thank You! The support you’ve shown so far has allowed me to proceed with great confidence. It’s nice to be able to err on the side of “more!” whenever there’s a choice. Funding Progress I’m a bit of an analytical guy in my…