GURPSDay Summary May 11, 2018 – May 17, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary May 11, 2018 – May 17, 2018

GURPSDay is currently pulling from 101 blogs on the roster. We seem to have skipped right past spring and gone right into summer. And I’m still mostly head-down in my own Dragon Heresy stuff. In other news, I now have the full go-ahead to start working For Reals on Hall of Judgment, the first conversion…

Dragon Heresy Intro Set: Errata Report Page
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Dragon Heresy Intro Set: Errata Report Page

This page is a placeholder for reported errata and requests for clarification or wording changes for the Dragon Heresy Introductory Set. The PDF files were pushed out May 14! The Ground Rules First off, the basic book from the first page to p. 173 is basically edited, laid out, and ready for art insertion. So…

Dragon Heresy Preliminary PDFs: Almost in the can
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Dragon Heresy Preliminary PDFs: Almost in the can

I know I said progress reports on Monday, but the last 24 hours were amazing. The preliminary PDF files are basically done. The Basic Combat Rules for the Berserker pledge level are finished. I laid them out instead of just a word file. They’re 51 pages long. The full PDF is now in a playable,…