April 1, 2018: Announcing Hall of Judgment for Dungeon Fantasy RPG!
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April 1, 2018: Announcing Hall of Judgment for Dungeon Fantasy RPG!

  The keys to the lost hall have been found . . . Deep in the glacial peaks northwest of Isfjall, past the northwest border of the realm, a band of adventurers is deceived and nearly destroyed by a powerful Alfar sorceress as they pursue raiding hobgoblins. Through bravery and sacrifice, they deny her possession…

AAAAHHHH!! No, no. We’re good here.
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AAAAHHHH!! No, no. We’re good here.

Been head down for a bit. Kickstarter April 2. Once the gawrsh dang video is in the can (tomorrow I hope), I can start actually breathing again. Assuming my marauding cat doesn’t eat me. She’s hankering for some vengeance after the claw clipping, I think. She’s circling like a (Cat) Sith Lord. Soon, I breathe…

GURPSDay Summary Mar 23, 2018 – Mar 29, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Mar 23, 2018 – Mar 29, 2018

This week’s GURPSDay is brought to you by the flu. Whole family’s down with it. Blergh. Welcome to GURPSDay 2018, and the fourth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013, only a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. Nifty things are happening in the background and I can’t wait to tell you about them. But…