InDesign is not for Newbs . . . but I’m improving
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InDesign is not for Newbs . . . but I’m improving

Last few days or a week or so I’ve been laying out the Dragon Heresy Introductory Set. The manuscript is done, cut down from 410,000 words to about 149,500, and 55,000 of those are completely awesome monsters. But InDesign, basically the industry standard layout package, is a CAD program for words. It is ridiculously functional,…

GURPSDay Summary Mar 2, 2018 – Mar 8, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Mar 2, 2018 – Mar 8, 2018

Blergh. Habby GURPthDay, but blerg. Sick. Tired. Full day of work. But at least we’ll have GURPS. Welcome to GURPSDay 2018, and the fourth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013, only a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. We’re currently drawing content from 98 blogs. We are so very, very close to having 100…

The Firing Squad welcomes Craig Campbell (CAPERS Kickstarter)
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The Firing Squad welcomes Craig Campbell (CAPERS Kickstarter)

It’s been a while since the last Firing Squad interview. I’ve been pretty head-down on other things . . . but I got the opportunity to chat with fellow IGDN member Craig Campbell about his upcoming RPG, CAPERS. It’s a cool concept . . . 1920s gangsters with moderate superpowers during prohibition. It features a pretty…