GURPSDay Summary Feb 23, 2018 – Mar 1, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Feb 23, 2018 – Mar 1, 2018

Welcome to GURPSDay 2018, and the fourth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013, only a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. We’re currently drawing content from 98 blogs. We are so very, very close to having 100 GURPS blogs. We still need your help. And if you just started a GURPS blog – and I…

Economizing on RPG Development Costs
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Economizing on RPG Development Costs

Earlier I went through and took a stab at what it costs to develop an RPG book. One can consider these, in somewhat imprecise terms, economic costs, rather than an accounting or cash-flow cost, in that it’s not required to write checks for all of them. Further, the costs presented represent doing everything on a contracting basis, and…