GURPSDay Summary Mar 9, 2018 – Mar 15, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Mar 9, 2018 – Mar 15, 2018

Blergh. Habby GURPthDay, but blerg. Today I’m tired – up until 5am with insomnia – and still sick. Glerk. Hate it. But at least it’s GURPSDay again! Welcome to GURPSDay 2018, and the fourth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013, only a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. Nifty things are happening in the…

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Lost Hall of Tyr: And that’s a wrap

It’s taken a bit, mostly because I was working personally with two busy folks, but all Kickstarter rewards have now been delivered: the two character sheets with portraits were finalized and delivered for my Styðja-level backers last weekend. It was a fun ride. As I noted before, I indulged in a bit of extravagance by…

InDesign for Newbs: Adding a special line after a heading
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InDesign for Newbs: Adding a special line after a heading

Another quick use of GREP Find: (.*)\r Find Style: Topic (my header style) Change to: $0================> The key thing here is the $0, which is InDesign for “grab whatever you just found.” The equals signs and greater-than sign are actually what I get when I paste the graphic that Michael built in to my template….