Crafting: Children’s Viking Shield
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Crafting: Children’s Viking Shield

I made my fourth or so kid’s shield today, and as far as efficiency and quality, I think it was my best yet. I figured I’d share how I did it. Note: historical viking shields for adults were maybe 28-36″ in diameter, but were ridiculously lightweight, at 6-8 lbs. Maybe 7mm of wood on the…

A Good Framework

A Good Framework

Writing is not always mechanical, nor is it always something that is amenable to a fixed structure. But sometimes, perhaps even many times, it is. And game writing is technical writing for the most part, and that means structure, clarity, and ensuring the right information is conveyed. For the Tower of Justice scenario I’m finishing up right…

Gaming Ballistic Update – August
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Gaming Ballistic Update – August

Wow. Big month. Went to GenCon. Can find blog posts on that kickin’ around. I learned a lot, gamed a lot, and networked a lot. I still have to catalog the mighty stack of artists’ business cards I got. I sold about 10 copies of Dungeon Grappling. That was good; more would be better. To…