Gaming Ballistic, LLC – Update for 11/11
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Gaming Ballistic, LLC – Update for 11/11

Administration The alpha and the omega of GBLLC this week was the Kickstarter – the video prep, the launch, and hitting F5 like a ferret on crack all week. In other news, I’ll be on the Shane Plays radio show from basically 1-2pm tomorrow. Not sure what Shane’s going to ask me about, but I’m…

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Funded! (Duplicates Update #6)

Thanks to the generous contributions of both existing and new backers, boosted in no small part by the print offering, the Dungeon Grappling Kickstarter has funded at the basic level. I am pleased and incredibly grateful that you have chosen to put your faith in me. That the project has funded means that I can…

Dungeon Grappling – Update #5 (Print now available!)

Print at last! Print at last! Gaming Ballistic is pleased to offer Dungeon Grappling as a premium, print-on-demand version for those that want a physical product. I was nervous about this, but DriveThruRPG has the costs well understood, so I feel that using them to deliver a physical product is low risk to both backers…