Violent Resolution – a new blog series
Over at Castalia House, +Jeffro Johnson has written quite a large number of posts that he’s collected on his blog under the heading Appendix N.
Over at Castalia House, +Jeffro Johnson has written quite a large number of posts that he’s collected on his blog under the heading Appendix N.
From the computer in the Lair of the Chaotic GM Douglas’ Conditional Injury article from Pyramid #3/120 is an excellent alternative to GURPS’ default HP ablation system, especially if you dislike the “death by a thousand papercuts” trope in RPGs. I have built a small tool to facilitate its use: It takes into account…
In my article from the Violent Resolution series dealing with movement, I noted that in D&D, the standard 30′ move (or even the 60′ dash) is, all things considered, quite slow. It represents six seconds of movement, so is either 5′ per second, or 10′. That’s 3.4 and 6.8mph, respectively. Or a decent walk and…
Delvers to Grow is now LIVE on Kickstarter!! Zero-to-Hero with the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Even the mightiest delver started somewhere. An apprentice, a squire or man-at-arms, a backup singer with The Backstreet Bards. Delvers to Grow allows you to take the part of those starting characters, supporting starting play as low as 62 points. Delvers…
Some of you may notice your blogs stopped showing up in the GURPSDay Feed. I found the problem and fixed it – the stream was pulling from “oldest” and not “oldest in the last three weeks.” Regardless, I’ve asked it to grab posts from new to old again, which put my own feed back on…
SJG published GURPS Social Engineering: Back to School not long ago. I’m a credited playtester, and one thing I can tell you about the playtest was that it was . . . lively. I’ve not yet reread the draft since it was published, though that’s on my to-do list. The book does tackle one of…
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I expect that you'll keep us updated here or on G+ as a reminder when they go live. I didn't see any obvious way to add your posts there to my RSS feed.
I will – I'll also replicate the prior week's post the day before the following one goes live. Some of the posts are long enough that I've broken them in two, others are even longer but breaking it up into pieces didn't make as much sense.
Excellent! I'll try to find reasons to comment over there. I know that people employing bloggers like that sort of thing even more than bloggers like getting comments. 😉
FYI, "employ" in the "getting paid for this" sense isn't accurate – I'm not on the payroll over there. Jeffro liked my work, recommended it to the management, presumably they read some of my stuff (or at least my first sample post once I got my groove on), and asked me to write more.
Sorry you feel you have to associate yourself with people like that (check out their lead editor's publicly expressed views some time); I hope the boost to your career is worth it.
I don't endorse his publicly expressed views any more than I endorse any particular views by any other venue which hosts, but does not dictate, my work. The writing itself is, and always will be, based on gaming only.
Thank you, RogerBW, for pointing that out. Sorry, Douglas, I don't want to give that "racially aware" person any clicks. I'll just have to wait for your later publication here.
I respect that. You'll see the posts appear here starting next Monday morning, and weekly thereafter.