Dungeon Grappling: Print Copies have shipped!
I did not expect to be sending this note today.
I received word from DriveThruRPG that my POD file had been approved this morning. That meant I could process all of the print orders, which I think I have done.
If you did NOT receive an email from me today, and you expect to receive a print copy, contact me immediately, because somehow you got missed.
If you DID get an email, then please allow 1-3 weeks for delivery for the US and most of Europe. All orders should be in your hands within 7 weeks, no matter where you are.
And just in case you missed the last roughly fifty updates (wow, that’s quite a few), here’s what you should be seeing. Also, we fixed up the index a bit, and now it’s actually useful (I had a bad experience trying to find something in my own flippin’ book, so I knew it had to change).
In any case, the Kickstarter isn’t over until all of you have your stuff in good shape . . . but other than dealing with missed line items and destroyed packages, this is pretty much the end.
Thanks so much for supporting my project. The NEXT one will be even cooler. Stay tuned!
Oh . . . and if y’all wouldn’t mind going online and saying nice things about Dungeon Grappling, that would be spectacular. Or suggest that your Favorite Local Game Store contact GBLLC and order some? Bonus points for being awesome.
No matter what, I’m always available at gamingballisticllc@gmail.com
Thanks again!