Hand of Asgard: Art Preview
For Hand of Asgard, in all cases but one I have final art; for that I have rough-color (though it’s still VERY good even if the artist calls it rough).
I thought I’d share an art preview. If you like it, you can pre-order the book on Backerkit!
Cover (Teresa Guido)

The Allfather (Thanh Tran)

Goddess of Death (Kriz Villaciz)

The Fates (Steven Shan)

The Lawgiver (Piotr Jamroz)

The Lady of Life (Rick Troula)

The Trickster/God of Mischief (Juan Ochoa)

Queen of the World (Matsya Das Bdds)

The Snow Queen (Sandrine Malus)

God of Thunder (Kriz Villacis)

Lord of Warding (Eren Arik)

The God of Wind and Sea (Juan Ochoa)

Valkyrie (Rick Troula)

So, that’s the art for the book. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do. If so…maybe you want to pick it up?