Gaming Ballistic on Nerdarchy: TODAY at 11am Central/Noon Eastern
Gaming Ballistic will join Nerdarchy on their Daily Live Chat Revivified #215
Watch it here:
This is a continuation of my read-through of Chapter 3. Eleven base classes means a crazy-long entry; I broke it up. A retroactive introduction: After an actual-play hiatus where I was mostly writing and playtesting for GURPS. I was invited to play in a Pathfinder game, and after a few sessions, it was time to…
The last two weeks have been some severe emotional ups and downs for me. Launch day, then seeing the campaign stagnate for a bit, then a sudden uptick after the SJGames Post to the Girl Genius RPG and maybe some of my mailing list action coming through. And FUNDING! The Bestiary is a go ……
I posed a question on Google+ the other day, asking if a blog is to update content at the same time on any given day, when would readers prefer that content to appear. By a ratio of 66:1, people took the question in the spirit with which it was intended, which was to the good….
I need to wrap this up earlier in the day today due to family schedule, but here are the winners for the 12 Days of OSR Christmas, from beginning to end Day Winner Prize 14-Dec Edwin Nagy PDF 15-Dec MIke Bauer PDF 16-Dec Ryan Hixson Dungeon Grappling hardcopy 16-Dec Jonathan N PDF 17-Dec Froth PDF…
Taking a break from proofreading my own book to throw down with GURPSDay. Very soon I hope to start posting updates to the Dungeon Fantasy RPG adventure conversion “Hall of Justice,” which was cruelly and amusingly announced on April 1 of this year. It’s no joke, however, and the map I just procured from Glynn…