Pre-Order The Hardcover Fantasy Bestiary For Dungeon Fantasy RPG’s Nordlond Setting

In GURPS, you can pack a lot of action into just a few seconds. But sometimes, you just need even more. While the various attack maneuvers let you strike a blow in the name of science (as an example), sometimes, due to a surfeit of targets or a surplus of awesomeness on your own part,…
For Hand of Asgard, in all cases but one I have final art; for that I have rough-color (though it’s still VERY good even if the artist calls it rough). I thought I’d share an art preview. If you like it, you can pre-order the book on Backerkit! Cover (Teresa Guido) The Allfather (Thanh Tran)…
When I first published Lost Hall of Tyr, it wasn’t what I wanted it to be. Not enough art, the maps weren’t anything special, and the convention-style romp (2-4 hour one-shot) didn’t explore the awesome viking-inspired setting that I had set the adventure within. Thanks to the publication of the Dragon Heresy Introductory Set and…