Isle of Sedra: Last two days!

The Infinite Archipelago seeks to bring easily importable setting material into Cidri for The Fantasy Trip. This setting and supporting adventures by David Pulver features:
- The Sedra Sourcebook. The preview image shows the main map, with geography, political boundaries, important NPCs and factions, and monsters all given inspirational treatment … with plenty of room for your own adventures. Minimum 32 pages (likely more).
- Monster Hunter Belladonna. The lethal Belladonna returns, a new member of the Duke of Thorns’ Monster Hunters’ Guild. Don the red cloak of the Guild as Bella herself … or your own monster-hunting heroes. 40-page solo/programmed adventure.
- The Scorpion Labyrinth. Beneath the town of Tamuz, on the edge of the Red Desert, an innkeeper finds a long-lost door to an ancient ruin. What trouble lies beyond the door? He doesn’t want to find out … so he’s hiring you! 28 pages.
Also features Decks of Destiny style cards – at least 100 cards – for the new material. If you’re new to TFT, or missed some of the older projects, there are starter sets and package deals available.
Gaming Ballistic would appreciate your support on this project.
Please act now to get it before time runs out.