Halcyon (Hell-psion?) Campaign: Starting Session Report
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Halcyon (Hell-psion?) Campaign: Starting Session Report

A Short Takeoff Roll After a long, long head-down hiatus brought about by life and other obligations hitting several of us hard, the Monday night crew (GM’d by Christopher Rice, proprietor of Ravens n Pennies) finally sat down to start the GURPS “Halcyon” campaign. I will admit up front was was lukewarm on the premise…

Dragon Heresy: The Last 48 Hours
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Dragon Heresy: The Last 48 Hours

Dragon Heresy: The Last 48 Hours As always, the last 48 hours of a Kickstarter are crucial. One can frequently match the first two days’ funding totals in the last two days, and for Dragon Heresy, if we did that, we’d be seriously flirting with the big stretch goal at $16,000 for an offset run…

Dragon Heresy was on Twitch Sunday Night!
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Dragon Heresy was on Twitch Sunday Night!

Dragon Heresy on Twitch This is a bit of an experiment. I’ve never streamed on Twitch, but I’m giving it a shot and streaming Dragon Heresy tonight! The folks at Roles to Astonish, a newish channel, have agreed to come on and play Dragon Heresy with me as the GM. Roles to Astonish: Developer Spotlight…