Freakin’ Out about GenCon
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Freakin’ Out about GenCon

I think my first and only trip to GenCon was in 1994 or something. It was still in Milwaukee. West End Games was there, and I got to see Timothy Zahn and the WEG designers talk about Star Wars. Was cool. Now, many (too many) years later, I’m GenCon bound again. I am kinda losin’…

Setting Difficulty Class (DC) in DnD5e – stating the obvious
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Setting Difficulty Class (DC) in DnD5e – stating the obvious

I’m working through my Grappling Smackdown scenario here, and setting the DCs for various tasks is a thing. I wanted to make a table to quickly inform me of roughly how hard something might be, so I figured I’d share the results. This isn’t a revelation, but it’s useful to me so it might be…