Patreon Redux – Another way of looking at it

Patreon Redux – Another way of looking at it

As I was chatting with some very upset friends yesterday, I wondered what the Patreon fee schedule would look like if the cost to the Patron was the same. This means that the listed pledge would be reduced. What “was” a $1 or $10 pledge, where all fees were taken from what the creator gets,…

Gaming Ballistic on Geek Gab: Adventure Design and Lost Hall of Tyr
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Gaming Ballistic on Geek Gab: Adventure Design and Lost Hall of Tyr

I was on the Geek Gab Game Night podcast just a few moments ago. Nearly two hours on adventure design and other topics – we didn’t hold ourselves tightly to a particular theme. As always, it was a hoot interacting with my gracious hosts, and it definitely plays out as a conversation rather than a…