Norðlondr Fólk Outline
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Norðlondr Fólk Outline

Good morning! As we head into the weekend, we’re just a hair short of 80% funding. For what they’re worth, projects put us just shy of the top stretch goal, which suggests we’ll handily make the offset print goal. Of course, it’s all speculation until it actually happens. As always, a tweet, a blog post,…

GURPSDay! Aug 23 to Sept 12, 2019
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GURPSDay! Aug 23 to Sept 12, 2019

It’s another GURPSDay, and here’s the last few weeks of posts! The Dungeon Fantasy Magic Items 2 Kickstarter came and went, and was super-close – like less than $950 – from getting to its singular stretch goal of 64 pages instead of 48. All may not be lost, however, and the Backerkit phase will start…

The Nordlond Setting keeps growing
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The Nordlond Setting keeps growing

The Norse-inspired Norðlond setting for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG keeps growing. Here’s what’s going on, and what’s coming, for Gaming Ballistic in this series of third-party products for SJG’s Powered-by-GURPS boxed set. Nordlond Sagas: Now on Kickstarter On Sept 10, Gaming Ballistic launched its 8th Kickstarter campaign, and much like the quite-successful “Four Perilous Journeys”…