Lost Hall of Tyr: Final Hours of the Campaign
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Lost Hall of Tyr: Final Hours of the Campaign

The Lost Hall of Tyr Kickstarter has funded and is striving to achieve its “high quality printing” stretch goals. It won’t take much, but I need your help. Funded. Closing in on Stretch Goals This is where it happens – the last two days of the Kickstarter are where it takes off and assumes its…

GURPSDay Summary Dec 14, 2018 – Dec 20, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Dec 14, 2018 – Dec 20, 2018

Thursday is GURPSDay, and today is a sad day, in that it marked the final issue of this volume of Pyramid magazine. Issue #3/122 was titled, with an appropriate nerdy call-back, “All Good Things,” and while true, it is regrettable all the same. I got my start writing professionally with Pyramid, way back when, with…

I get interviewed on the Designers and Makers Podcast
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I get interviewed on the Designers and Makers Podcast

I was recently (like 30 minutes ago) interviewed on the Tenkar’s Tavern Designers and Makers podcast. He asks me five critical questions (including such weighty matters as “Race as Class” and “what do you think of Save or Die – the die roll, not the podcast?” I always love talking about gaming, so give a…