GURPSDay Summary Nov 9, 2018 – Nov 15, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Nov 9, 2018 – Nov 15, 2018

Thursday is GURPSDay, and we’re back on schedule. GameHole Con was awesome, and next year I’ll go and set up a Gaming Ballistic booth. Enough about that: GURPSDay is currently pulling from 104 blogs on the roster. GURPSDay is in its fifth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013,  a year after I started Gaming Ballistic….

Turning Undead: “I win!”
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Turning Undead: “I win!”

Rebuking and turning undead that still cling to a semblance of life is pretty much a fantasy RPG staple. It’s been part of Dungeons and Dragons since nearly the beginning – I believe Arneson added it as a foil to “Sir Fang,” and Gygax fiddled with it or dropped it in his games – there’s…

GameHole Con 2018 Trip Report!
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GameHole Con 2018 Trip Report!

GameHole Con 2018 – Con Report Well, I survived! This was the first convention that I’d attended since my journey to GenCon 2017, as part of my first foray as being part of the con as Gaming Ballistic, LLC. I was, more importantly it turned out, also there as part of my Kickstarter rewards for…