New on W23 and Gaming Ballistic: Hall of Judgment
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New on W23 and Gaming Ballistic: Hall of Judgment

The new adventure “Hall of Judgment” is now available for retail purchase at the Gaming Ballistic web store and on Warehouse 23 over at Steve Jackson Games. From the blurb: Hall of Judgment is set in the barbarian lands of the north (predictably called Norðlönd). It is designed to evoke the feeling of a nordic/viking…

GURPSDay Summary Aug 17, 2018 – Aug 23, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Aug 17, 2018 – Aug 23, 2018

Shipping. Shipping never changes. The end of the kickstarters are occuring pretty much as I had predicted. Too many tariffs and duties, not enough space or resources to go around. The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones. Shipping. Shipping never changes. Grunt. But . . . to GURPS! GURPSDay…

Fulfillment Fortnight Begins
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Fulfillment Fortnight Begins

This will likely be the most eventful two weeks of Gaming Ballistic’s existence, as physical fulfillment begins on two core products. Lots of things going on, all at once. Dragon Heresy Printing is complete. The final tally was 1,530 books printed, which is 2,219 kg of books. Two and a quarter metric tons. Of that…