“You think that’s air you’re breathing? Hmmm.”
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“You think that’s air you’re breathing? Hmmm.”

So, this should be an interesting week. For one thing, I really don’t have much on my plate from a “writing games” perspective. This is the first time in about four months that this has happened, since Dragon Heresy was immediately (and I do mean right away) followed by Hall of Judgment. Both are basically…

GURPSDay Summary July 27, 2018 – Aug 2, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary July 27, 2018 – Aug 2, 2018

GURPSDay is currently pulling from 103 blogs on the roster. The Hall of Judgment Kickstarter ended, and even though it will be a few days before the final PDF is approved by SJG, all the art is in, and we’re down to just the last bits of error checking. Why the delay? Well, it takes time…

Dragon Heresy: Fold and Gather samples arrived. Wow.
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Dragon Heresy: Fold and Gather samples arrived. Wow.

Fold and Gather samples for Dragon Heresy are here! So, it’s one thing to look at individual pages. It’s one thing to look at a PDF on the screen. It’s quite another to get the entire book very nearly as it will appear in my hands. Without further blather on my part: pictures. OK: one bit of…