Dragon Heresy Rules Excerpt: Social Standing
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Dragon Heresy Rules Excerpt: Social Standing

Access is one of the more jealously guarded privileges in hierarchical systems, and social standing reinforced status, but also kept the big dogs ideally focused on the issues they need to be concerned with. Details of policy and realm health, maurauding fae raids, and magical curses. The important stuff. The rules below are a revision…

Kickstarter Update: Shields, Progress, and Stretch Goals
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Kickstarter Update: Shields, Progress, and Stretch Goals

Greetings, fellow Torengur! We’re entering the third weekend of the Dragon Heresy Introductory Set Kickstarter, and things look pretty good. Another Skjald-hirð Joins the Battle! We had a great day yesterday, driven largely by another stalwart joining the ranks of the Skjald-hirð. He’s asked for a sweet, sweet paint job on his shield, too. Dark…

100 Blogs! GURPSDay Summary Apr 13, 2018 – Apr 19, 2018
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100 Blogs! GURPSDay Summary Apr 13, 2018 – Apr 19, 2018

This is a great day for GURPSDay. We hit 100 blogs on the roster, with the addition of D Ripton’s Dungeon Fantasy blog. Woo hoo! Furthermore, fans of SJGames, GURPS, Dungeon Fantasy, the DFRPG, Kromm, and maybe me can see Sean and I talk the DFRPG today on Geek Gab, at 3:30pm CST. Welcome to GURPSDay 2018,…