Gaming Ballistic Launches a Patreon
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Gaming Ballistic Launches a Patreon

As part of a transition to making Gaming Ballistic my full-time role, I’ve launched a Patreon. As always, the largest part of my business is going to be making and selling finished products. Whether for Dragon Heresy, The Fantasy Trip, Powered by GURPS products such as the Nordlond setting or the forthcoming Mission X RPG,…

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Polytheism Series (near-repost from Dungeon Fantastic)

Peter Dell’Orto over at Dungeon Fantastic linked through to a four-article series on polytheism. I’ve started to read through the first article with Norðlond on my mind. Here is the series on Polytheism I was hoping was out there when I wrote this post. Part I Part II Part III Part IV It skewers some ideas…

Five Files Released for More Perilous Journeys
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Five Files Released for More Perilous Journeys

I just released five files.  The one “bonus freebie” plus four of the five promised files. Updates to three; fresh files for the other two. New Releases Available in backers email box and download file now are Roc of Sages Catacombs of Living Death. Sorry these took so long. These are adventures three and four…