RIP Mira Furlan

RIP Mira Furlan

For those who don’t know, though most folks who follow the blog probably watched Babylon 5: Mira Furlan was Delenn. She passed away earlier this week from complications from West Nile Virus. She was only 65. From the deeply compelling portrayal of the power of compassion and sacrifice in “Confessions and Lamentations,” to one of…

Ballistic’s Report: Week Ending Jan 22
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Ballistic’s Report: Week Ending Jan 22

The end of 2020 brought some lingering projects into 2021, but hopefully I shall get this year off to a more buttoned-down start. Each week I shall do a quick newsburp on what Gaming Ballistic has been up to this week. Inspired a bit by Kromm’s Another Week in the Life of GURPS thread, it’ll cover on…

SJGames Launches GURPS Pyramid Scheme
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SJGames Launches GURPS Pyramid Scheme

Three new volumes, looks like even better format. The GURPS Pyramid Scheme revisits the digital version of Pyramid Magazine, with color interior. The issues are already written and ready to go, likely including all of the supplemental content around which stretch goals are focused. Phil likes project that can be fulfilled almost before the check…