Game cancelled! What am I to do?
Well, looks like the mighty Goddess Real Life has interfered with the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy: Jade Regent game for tonight.
Hrm. I wonder if anyone’s looking for a drop in from 5:30-8:30pm CST.
Over the next week while I’m in Malaysia, I will be playing in at least one, if not two gaming sessions at various times. One will be the next-best thing to an actual face-to-face game, using Google Hangouts and TableTop Forge to do video conferencing. The other uses MapTools and is a GURPS Dungeon Fantasy…
Shid ald akwentans bee firgot, an nivir brocht ti mynd? Shid ald akwentans bee firgot, an ald lang syn? Welcome to the first GURPSDay of 2018, and the fourth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013, only a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. We’re currently drawing content from 96 blogs. We’re still picking up some…
Yesterday’s mission wrap-up prompted some fairly strong (but limited – only one Anonymous poster and some comments by the players themselves) commentary about the “realism” and design of limb armor for our Alien Menace squad. Their personal armor is basically DragonSkin – the Advanced Body Armor from High-Tech, which provides DR 35 (10d). Problem was,…
Dramatis Personae The Commander (Doug) – telekinetic super-soldier with a really angry dog (Yukio). The dog is a powerful ally (250-300 points) and very intelligent and very, very aggressive. Arc Light (Christian) – battlsuited gadgeteer with electrical powers The Rat Queen (Emily) – brick with super-perception; made of actual rats Eamon Finnegan (Kyle) – smooth…
A Dragon Heresy Introductory Set Kickstarter backer was asking about something I mentioned in one of the podcasts I was on this last weekend, which also appeared in one of the playtests from way back: The Runic Berserker, also known as the Berserker Path of Galdureiði: The Path of Wrathful Power. The Path of Galdureiði is not in the Introductory Set….
+Peter V. Dell’Orto made a very on-point comment about my post Go ahead and roll vs. ST. Worth responding to in detail, so I did. His words are in blue-italics, mine in indented black. I understand the impulse here, and I respect the work you’ve done, but: – it’s got to be simple. – it’s got…
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Anywhere near Madison?
Twin Cities. So close, and yet, so far.
I could telecommute. 🙂
Seriously, G+ Hangouts are the "gaming table in the basement" of the future.